52 Games In A Year

The challenge is quite simple - try to beat 52 games in the current year. This is a feature challenge for the website and has it's own dedicated page right here. Click on "The Challenge" box to get the rules and stipulations for a game to be considered "beat".

Games Beat in 2024: 5

Kaizo Hack Clears

As an homage to the legendary Dode, I have very unobtainable goal of beating every Kaizo Light hack on SMW central. I am still a relative noob to the genre, but have been slowly getting better and conquering hack after hack.

Hacks Cleared: 107

Fall Guys Crowns

Fall Guys came outta nowhere and now I find it my most played game of the last decade. This challenge is to win, win and win crowns. The goal is ultimately reach crown level 50 for the legendary Golden Knight costume...but that's going to take 3039 crowns...so it could be a while. Every so often, I will update this crown count.

Current Crown Count: 1480

Triple Roguelite Streak

In this gaming challenge, the goal is to beat The Binding of Isaac, Wizard of Legend, and Enter the Gungeon using randomized builds - all in a row. Beating all three games will add 1 to the streak. The conditions for each game are the following.

  1. Binding of Isaac - Beat the Chest with Eden
  2. Enter the Gungeon - Beat Licht with Paradox
  3. Wizard of Legend - Beat Master Sura with randomized build

Current Streak: 0

Rocket League Ranked

Have played Rocket League for years casually and have never quite cracked the champ barrier. This year is the year.

Current Rank: Champion 1 - Division 2